Aundre Benson
Men’s Physique
Brief info
Aundre IFBB Pro, will compete at the Boston Pro Show on June 20, 2020.
Aundre Benson is an artist in every since of the word. He says “any skill that’s done repetitively the person will eventually find the artistry in it.“ So it’s only natural that he found the link between bodybuilding and art. And after 5 tough years, he will finally be displaying his art on the biggest stage in the world at the 2020 Olympia in Las Vegas, NV. He’s pretty polished in all subject matters. He accredits to having served in the United States Navy for 7 years. Surprisingly Aundre is also a certified yoga instructor. And that is the art, he would love to teach the world the most. Aundre works extremely well in fitness/ fashion/ promotion/ health and business.